Frequently asked questions

Critical Illness Insurance

Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most when
inquiring about Critical Illness Insurance

What is Critical Illness Insurance?

Critical Illness Insurance provides a lump sum cash benefit when you or a dependent is diagnosed with a covered critical illness. You and your dependents are eligible for coverage options of $10,000; $20,000; $30,000. Benefits remain payable if a previously covered illness returns, or if diagnosed with a different covered illness.

What does Critical Illness insurance cover?

Critical illness insurance provides additional coverage for medical emergencies like heart attack, stroke, or cancer. Critical Illness insurance overs a cash benefit if you are diagnosed with a covered condition to help you offset the higher than average medical costs that come with these medical conditions. To see a list of covered conditions, please refer to our Critical Illness Benefit Highlights.

Who is eligible to enroll?

Active federal employees working at least 20 hours per week and their dependents are eligible. You can enroll in employee-only coverage, employee & spouse coverage, employee and children coverage, or family coverage. USPS Employees are not eligible to enroll.

Do I have to take a physical exam?

No, This coverage is offered on a guaranteed issue basis, so you are not required to take a physical exam or provide medical evidence in order to enroll on our critical Illness program.

Is there a pre-existing condition clause?

Yes. Only new critical illness that occurs to a covered member on or after the effective date will be covered.

When does the coverage become effective?

You become eligible for benefits under the plan on the date your first allotment has been received.

How do I enroll?

Enrollment is simple, enroll online and we’ll process the form (1 – 2 business days) and mail you instructions for setting up your payroll deduction. You are not actively enrolled in the program until you have set up and made your first allotment. 

How do I pay for the plan?

Premiums are paid bi-weekly from your paycheck through salary allotment. Monthly-paid employees and Retirees would pay monthly. All premiums are paid after-tax.

When can I cancel the plan?

You may cancel the plan at any time. To cancel coverage, please send an email to

Can I take the coverage when I retire or leave my job?

Yes, the critical illness insurance plan is portable and available to all retired federal employees and their family members who are enrolled.

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