"Risk Comes from
Not Knowing
What You Are Doing."

-Warren Buffet

Our Seminars are designed to educate your employees.

We offer a full range of seminars that provide employees with valuable information about their federal benefits and financial planning. A cornerstone of federal employment are the benefits offered; but while these benefits are literally worth millions of dollars, they are confusing and often mis-understood. FedAdvantage has you covered by offering two styles of seminars.

Comprehensive Series - delivers in-depth benefits training, and provides core federal benefits with key financial and retirement planning training. Each program is packed with over 200 pages of information and can be customized to meet your specific needs and time restrictions. These programs are available in both half-day or full-day formats.

“Focus-On” Series - offers educational training in a more concise approach. Each topic specific seminar runs approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours, making these programs perfect for lunch and learns, webinars and conference breakout sessions. Our “Focus On” seminars are divided into two separate categories: Federal Benefit Related and General Financial Education.

With over 20 different topics, we provide a
wide array of valuable knowledge

Federal Benefit Related

  Understanding & Maximizing FERS

  Retirement Planning
        Projections vs Reality

  How to Make Money in the TSP

  3 Stages of a LEO's Retirement

  Insurance Risks of Federal Benefits

General Financial Related

  Introduction to Financial Planning

  Cash Management

Surviving Market Swings

Making the Most of
       Social Security

  Estate Conservation

Flexibile Pricing Options to fit any Budget
We offer simple, straight forward pricing to agencies

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Seminar Planning Guide

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