Safeguard Against the Cost of Serious Illness

Learning of a life changing illness is hard. Protect yourself from financial stress so you can focus on you.

Critical Illness insurance offers essential benefits when you need them most. It provides a lump-sum payment when you’re diagnosed with a serious illness. You can’t predict a critical illness like cancer or a heart attack, but you can be prepared and help protect a better tomorrow for yourself and your family.

Our plans allow you to choose an insurance plan that meets your needs. With our Critical Illness insurance, there’s only one decision, which benefit amount is right for you- $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000.

Every 34 seconds,
someone in America will
have a coronary event1

Enroll Now

1. Source: CDC Heart Disease Facts

How it Works

FedAdvantage Critical Illness Insurance helps federal employees protect their financial stability during tough times when illness or injury keeps you from work.

You're Diagnosed with a Life Changing Illness

Heart Attack, Cancer, 
Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke,
Parkinson's Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, and more

*policy offers cash benefits for 34 different serious illnesses.

FedAdvantage Steps in to Help

With Critical Illness Insurance, your benefits are paid to you directly upon diagnosis of a covered condition

Focus on Getting Well

Use your cash benefits to help with medical bills, continuing care, or everyday expenses. 

Peace of mind doesn’t
always have to be

Don't wait until it’s too late. Protect you and your family now!